
We reported on the release of FindrCat back in November. Now Phil And Greg from Intelligent Assistance have released FindrCat Pro. This is an in app purchase in FindrCat that now keeps FCPX metadata when round tripping through Finder.

Philip Hodgetts demos the simple, Easy & Inexpensive organization for your Final Cut Pro X Media: translate Keywords into Finder Tags that are fully searchab. FCPRadio 111 Redux - Happy New Year! FCP 10.5, FCP 10.6, M1 Macs, Resolve 17. Final Cut Pro Radio Episode 111 Redux, we talk about FCP 10.5 in 2020, FCP 10.6 in 2021, The FCP team, M1 Silicon Macs, Resolve 17 and a lot more. FindrCat allows you to turn your organized keywords in Final Cut Pro X into a catalog of tags. How to use Findrcat: Run FindrCat. Select an Event of clips (with no 'files missing' warnings), then drag to the dock and drop onto the FinderCat icon. Author Karin Gottschalk Posted on June 2, 2017 Format Link Categories Creativity, Innovation, Software, Workflow Tags Apple, editing, FCPX, Final Cut Pro X, FindrCat Pro, Intelligent Assistance, metadata, movie editing, NLEs, non-linear editing suites, non-linear editors, video editing, workflows Post navigation.


On the eve of NAB, it is good to see the smaller developers still coming up with innovation. Philip Hodgetts from Intelligent Assistance very kindly let us know about a 'Pro' upgrade to their 'NoMam' application called FindrCat

Today, our company, Intelligent Assistance Software released FindrCat Pro - an in-app upgrade to FindrCat, which provides full round tripping of FCP X metadata, not just keywords. The journey from an idea at the FCP X Creative Summit last year to today’s release is an interesting one.


At the Creative Summit at the end of last October, Greg talked with Alex Gollner (@Alex4D) and Benjamin Brodbeck about being able to search keywords in Finder. Although Ben had an asset management system, it wasn’t being used and he felt a simpler solution would be more used.

As I told when we released it we liked the idea because it prevented loss of metadata by embedding Keywords as Finder tags in the media files. And yet I was unhappy because we lost metadata in the process.


Final Cut Pro X - quite reasonably - applies a Finder Tag to the entire clip, because there is no time range information. Not so much if you’re adding keywords for model type and location, as Ben did at Catapillar, but less useful in longer takes, like interviews. This was weighing on my mind before we even launched FindrCat a month after the Creative Summit Conference.

Greg and I put our collective minds together and came up with the idea of embedding the keyword XML into file, with the thought that we’ll read it out later and rebuild the XML. The foundations for Pro were built into the app from version 1.

Or so we thought. When we started work on the return part of the equation, we realized that we were still losing a bunch of metadata, and - worse - we didn’t have everything we needed to rebuild valid FCP X XML!


We very quickly worked out what was needed, and FindrCat 1.1 has been embedding the required metadata for the return back to Final Cut Pro X. Whether or not you ever upgrade to FindrCat Pro, your metadata is securely protected in the file, travels with the file, ready for Pro, any time in the future.

The basic $19.99 gives you the ability to use macOS Finder as your media asset management tool, searching all your media files for the keywords used in Final Cut Pro X. An in-app purchase to Pro for $29.99 restores:

  • Video and Audio Roles;
  • Notes (Clips and Keywords);
  • Markers and Chapter Markers;
  • Keyword ranges and Favorite/Reject ranges;
  • “Excessive Shake” and “find people” analysis keywords;
  • Video Inspector adjustments: Compositing, Transform, Crop, Distort, Stabilization, Rolling Shutter, Spatial Conform;
  • Audio Inspector adjustments: Volume, Equalization, Loudness, Noise Removal, Hum Removal, Pan; and
  • Metadata exported in the chosen Metadata View to a new Event in Final Cut Pro X.


The macOS Finder is still the database management too, but instead of dragging the resulting selection to Final Cut Pro X, the selection is dropped on the FindrCat Pro dock icon. A new Event is created from the files and sent to Final Cut Pro X, with all metadata restored.

I think we’ve created a very simple, but quite powerful, asset management system. It also solves another problem I’ve had: jealousy. Adobe have long embedded metadata from Premiere Pro back into the file using Adobe’s XMP metadata, so the logging work is protected and travels with the file to other Premiere Pro users without needing a project file. Now Final Cut Pro X users have the same security and portability of the work done in Final Cut Pro X.

Finder Catalogue

FindrCat Pro is a $29.99 in-app upgrade from the basic FindrCat at $19.99, for a total of $49.98. It is available now in the Mac App Store.