Nibiru Orbit

  1. Nibiru Orbit 3600
  2. Nibiru Arrival Date Confirmed Nasa
  3. Nibiru Orbit

For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Their research proposes that it possesses a highly elliptical, 3630-year orbit. Such a planet would be approximately in the same orbit as 2000 CR105. According to these theories of Sumerian cosmology, Nibiru was the twelfth member in the solar system family of. Nibiru appears to have been in conjunction with Mars during perihelion 13,000+ years ago, and may have been slightly perturbed into a larger orbit at that time. The subsequent reconfiguration of planetary binding energies affected the orbits of the other planets, including the Earth. The incoming object that collided with Tiamat was the planet referred to as Nibiru; this planet follows a long elliptical orbit which reaches our inner solar system every 3,600 years. There was much debris left behind from this cosmic collision which may have resulted in the formation of the asteroid belt, the moon, and our current planet Earth. Nibiru kept its clockwise orbit equal to 3,600 orbits of Earth around the Sun until 10, 900 B.C.E., when Nibiru arrived earlier. Uranus had drifted away from Solaris and Uranus’ gravity sped Nibiru’s orbit.

A prominent astrophysicist has confirmed that NIBIRU COULD COLLIDE WITH EARTH AS EARLY AS December 29th, 2020.

Dr. Frank Mallikovski, formerly with NASA, told Weekly World News that Planet Nibiru (also known as Planet X) is heading toward earth at an accelerated speed.

“I have been studying Nibiru for the last 25 years. There’s a lot of mathematical proof that this dark planet is creating waves of energy that is shaking the heavens.

“It is a unique planet that is hard to identify and hard to predict where it is at any given time. I try to locate it every night and have kept a log of its movements. It has never taken this trajectory before. I believe it is on a direct path for Earth. And I know I am right.”

It should be noted that many scientists, astronomers and politicians have denied the existence of Nibiru.

“It’s a bunch of hogwash,” said Banesh Bannerje, a leading scientist for NASA. “Nibiru is a myth. Conspiracy theorists have long latched onto a belief in Planet X, but I have never seen any evidence of it. Never.”

“NASA always denies Nibiru’s existence,” responded Dr. Malikovski. “But they have been hiding the planet for decades. Do you believe everything NASA says? For some reason, they don’t want anyone on Earth to know about it. But it’s there. I will show you.”


Dr. Malikovski then took this reporter to his observatory and we looked through his high-powered Binocular Telescope. It was the biggest telescope we had ever seen. We looked through the lens and saw a beautiful array of stars – too many to count. We weren’t sure what we were looking for, but Dr. Malikovski – who had just finished his third gin-and-tonic – kept pointing to a bright star (dot), just outside Jupiter. At least, what he said was Jupiter. He told us that this star was Nibiru.

We questioned him about what we were looking at and he just got frustrated and threw his drink down. “You’re not an astronomer. You don’t know what you’re doing. Just believe me. I’m telling you that’s Nibiru. And it is!”

“Planet Nibiru was last seen just past Nepture in early 2019,” Dr. Malkovski said. Then I saw it moving by Venus in January of this year. It jumps around a great deal. I finally figured out a way to predict it’s movements through space. After months of calculations I have determined that Nibiru is heading directly toward Earth. And, it seems almost purposeful.”

Purposeful? What does Dr. Malikovski mean?

“I think the planet is allive. I don’t know if there are alien beings on the planet that are controlling the planet or if the planet itself has a mind of it’s own, but clearly the planet itself is an intelligent being. And for some reason, it wants to hit Earth.”

At Weekly World News, we always remain skeptical. But we followed up with some of the nation’s top cosmologists. One in particular, Dr. Janice Jeremias, told us that she fully believed in Dr. Malikovski’s work.

“He’s a genius. And like all geniuses, he is often ridiculed. But I have studied his findings and his logs. His work is unassailable. I agree with him. Nibiriu will make impact before the end of the year.”

Dr. Jeremias told us Nibiru, in Babylonian Astronomy translates to “Point of Transition” or “Planet of Crossing.” “The establishment of Nibiru point is described in tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish,” Dr. Jeremias said. “Its cuneiform sign was often a cross or various winged disc.”

She told Weekly World News that beings from Nibiru are considered closer to human beings than any other beings in our galaxy. Many extraterrestrial experts believe that the gray beings from Nibiru have been on Earth many times before and have combined their DNA with humans to create a more evolved life form.


Pastor Ronny Desmond told Weekly World News believes that Nibiru is the real deal. He believes that Nibiru will soon reveal itself to the world and it will mark the beginning of a great apocalypse on Earth.

Nibiru Orbit 3600

“I believe it because the Bible says it.”

“The deep impacts are in Revelation chapter eighty-eight,” Pastor Desmond told Weekly World News. The Earth is gonna ‘reel and rock like a drunken man’. Jesus said there’ll be mighty earthquakes, major earthquakes – all in the lead up to the ultimate impact of Nibiru.

Pastor Desmond said that beginning in early November of this year we will see signs of Nibiru approaching. “There’ll be signs in the sun, the moon, the stars, and in certain backyard pools in Ohio. The sea and the waves will be roaring, all kinds of apocalyptic events will be taking place all over. It’s going to be so exciting!”

The world has seen many such claims of apocalyptic doom come and go. But many believe that The Nibiru collision fits in well with Biblical prophecy. And many believe that 2020 has been the “worst year ever” so anything is possible. Even this.

Weekly World News will continue to follow this story and – the movements of Nibiru!

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Nibiru Orbit

Dimly lit by a far distant sun, a planet much larger than Earth may orbit in the vast outer reaches of the solar system, eluding our telescopes for more than 400 years. But its presence may leave telltale traces. And as new and more powerful probes join our space exploration armada, even the immensity of space may no longer afford Planet X a hiding place.

So, where is Planet X? The evidence remains circumstantial. The outer reaches of the solar system are a frontier that we are only just beginning to explore.

Nibiru Arrival Date Confirmed Nasa

We can, however, confidently pass on one piece of good news from Planet X, if it exists, has nothing to do with the so-called Nibiru cataclysm, a long-running tabloid media story about a giant planet on a supposed collision course with Earth.

The Killer Planet

Nibiru’s origin came from a 1976 book of amateur speculation about ancient Sumerian astronomy. A few years later, a self-described mystic claimed that this planet — which Sumerian astronomy experts never heard of — was headed for a collision with Earth. That was enough to launch a hundred tabloid stories about the Nibiru cataclysm. But if Nibiru existed, says, it should be easily visible in a small telescope, yet no astronomer has seen any hint of it.

Where Is Planet X? The Long Search for a Distant World

The search for a Planet X is not new. reports that the hunt for a giant outer planet goes back more than 100 years. In 1930, the search led to the discovery of Pluto, which turned out to be much too small to cause the gravitational effects then attributed to Planet X.

The search for new giant outer planets went on the back burner for a few decades. Meanwhile, new discoveries showed that the space beyond Neptune was far from empty. Pluto turned out to be simply one of the largest and closest members of the Kuiper belt, a host of objects ranging from dwarf planets downward.

Nibiru orbit diagram

New discoveries continue to push outward the limits of the solar system. Last year, Carnegie Science reported the discovery of an object, designated 2015 TG387, on an elongated orbit that extends out to approximately 0.03 light-years from the sun.

But 2015 TG387 doesn’t just push the frontier outward. Its orbit — along with the orbits of other newly discovered mini-worlds at the edge of the solar system — shows some distinctive and curious patterns. Their orbits, as Sky & Telescope reports, are similarly aligned in space, with “argument of perihelion” close to either zero or 180 degrees.

Circumstantial Evidence

This sort of alignment does not happen by accident. It suggests that some force is tugging on all of these distant objects. The only real question, according to CNET, is what the force is — whether it is best explained by a single giant planet, or may point instead to the influence of a disk formed by many smaller bodies orbiting the sun.

Nibiru Orbit

Getting back to the real outer solar system, even if the culprit is a single giant planet, says Sky & Telescope, there are differing theories about how large and massive the planet may be, and how far it orbits from the sun. One view argues for a Neptune-sized planet, about 10 times Earth’s mass, orbiting up to 100 billion kilometers from the sun.


A competing model suggests that the evidence points to a somewhat smaller world, about five times Earth’s mass, orbiting “only” a few hundred times farther out than Earth. In this case, as CNET notes, the planet is probably a massive rocky planet, a “super earth,” rather than a gas giant like Neptune — a world unlike any of the known solar planets.

The only sure way to settle these arguments once and for all is to go out and discover Planet X. Or else explore the outer solar system so thoroughly as to rule it out.

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