High quality Sspx gifts and merchandise. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. The SSPX is the largest group of traditional Catholic priests and associated religious in the world. The SSPX accepts the acclaimed Pope and his recent predecessors as true Popes but believes that the Second Vatican Council was at minimum a problematic Council.

Sspx Florida

The first Mass offered by SSPX in the Columbia-Centralia, Missouri area was in May 1979 at the Tiger Hotel in Columbia, MO. Mass was then celebrated twice a month on Monday evening. At this time the chapel was titled Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel and there were about 20 parishioners.

In March 1981, the chapel’s temporary premises moved to a permanent location on the northeast corner of the Square in Mexico, MO, in the basement of a craft store. The chapel now had the Blessed Sacrament reserved, Stations of the Cross, and visits could be made anytime during the week. On June 7, 1981 the chapel had its first Sunday Mass.


On December 19, 1982, due to the sale of the craft store building, the chapel was forced to move to the second floor of a ceramics shop called 'The Mud Puddle' on the northwest corner of the Square.

In 1991, the current property at 1200 N. Clark in Mexico was purchased. The chapel was blessed on June 16, 1991 and dedicated as St. Mary Magdalene Chapel.

Sspx Florida

Priests of the SSPX, traveling from either the priory in Kansas City, MO or St. Louis, MO, now service the chapel every Sunday. In addition to the chapel, the building complex consists of a bookstore, several classrooms and a parish hall.

Recently, several improvements have been made to the chapel, which included the erection of a large cross on the roof peak, the installation of a grotto of the Holy Family over the main entrance, and the addition of stained glass windows.

Recently a muslim refugee from Syria who disliked Republican President Trump and his more rigid stance on immigration attacked a grocery store filled with unarmed women and children. This mass murderer killed nine people before heroic police officer Eric Talley stopped him. Boulder Police Officer Eric Talley wounded the mass murderer. Officer Talley was killed in the exchange, but from what we know at this time, he appeared to have stopped the rampage, saving innocent American lives.

I saw Eric Talley’s father say, “…he believed in Jesus Christ.” I have noted comments by Boulder Police Chief Maris Herold saying that Officer Eric Talley was a “man of faith.” I noticed that Jeremy Herko, who described himself as a friend of Talley’s, wrote on Facebook, “He was a devout Christian.”

And I also saw a Statement from Archbishop of Denver Samuel J. Aquila saying that “We also know that Officer Talley regularly stopped by Saint Martin de Porres in Boulder and participated in its events, even though he wasn’t a parishioner there.” For those who do not understand Catholic traditions, this was an “odd phrase.” Typically His Eminence would simply identify the parish that Eric Talley attended. Most often a Roman Catholic would have his Requiem Mass at his home parish. There are many Catholics baptized as a baby in the same parish their funeral Mass is held in. Thus my question was, what was the religious belief of this hero peace officer and what parish did he attend? What type of faith formation led him to put the lives of others before his own?

the late Officer Eric Talley is pictured with Father Joseph Tran at Saint Martin de Porres Catholic Parish in Boulder in 2016. Photo Credit: Fr. Tran

Eric Talley was a traditional Roman Catholic. A traditional Catholic is a Roman Catholic who does all in his power to preserve the Holy Faith in a manner consistent with how it has always been understood and who strives to maintain all of the liturgical rites and customs of the Church as they were before the “spirit of Vatican II” revolution. An example of traditional Catholic belief is that birth control is a mortal sin (causing death of one’s soul), and anyone who obstinately persists in its use is at extreme risk of eternal damnation. Please read Fisheaters for more information on what a traditional Roman Catholic is.

Eric Talley and his family lived in Indiana before he moved to Colorado. When Eric Talley resided in Indiana, he attended the Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Pii X (SSPX) parish of Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Greenwood, Indiana. The SSPX is the largest group of traditional Catholic priests and associated religious in the world. The SSPX accepts the acclaimed Pope and his recent predecessors as true Popes but believes that the Second Vatican Council was at minimum a problematic Council. Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Greenwood, Indiana, was served by Father O’Connor for many years but is now a fully-affiliated mission chapel of the SSPX. The current pastor is Reverend Father Dylan Flanery, SSPX and Reverend Father John O’Connor.

Also, we have confirmed what a subscriber shared; that Eric Talley attended Mass with the Societas Sacerdotalis Sancti Pii Quinti (SSPV). The SSPV consists of those Catholics who are unsure about the status of the current acclaimed Pope. They do not know if he and his recent predecessors are valid popes or not. The SSPV is a group of traditional Catholic priests who have broken away from the SSPX in 1983 and are seen as more sedevacantist, although their beliefs on this issue can be more nuanced than this.

When Eric Talley and his family moved to Colorado, he attended both SSPX, SSPV, and SSPX Resistance traditional Catholic parishes in that area. The SSPX Resistance is a loosely organized group of traditionalist Catholics that grew out of the concern that the dialogue between the SSPX and the Holy See was leading the SSPX to accept the Second Vatican Council as a condition of the Society’s recognition by Rome. They broke away from the SSPX in 2013.

Sources confirm that in recent times Eric Talley’s family also attended a parish run by the Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri (FSSP). The FSSP is a large group of traditional Catholic priests who broke away from the SSPX back in 1988. They are traditional Catholic priests who only say the Latin Mass but have an official relationship with the Vatican and operate only with the permission of the local Catholic Church hierarchy.

We have been unable to confirm if Officer Eric Talley himself ever attended Mass with the FSSP. I can imagine that as a person who was comfortable with the traditional Roman Catholic SSPX, SSPV, and the SSPX Resistance, all who have either no, or unofficial, relationships with Catholic Church hierarchy and the Vatican, attending the “indult” FSSP mass approved by the local Bishop would be something of a significant move.

Thus Eric Talley was a very serious traditional Roman Catholic. He chose to associate with some of the most traditional Catholics around. He was a loyal son of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. He was the father of seven children. His Roman Catholic faith was the center of his life and his approach to life. He appeared to live a very Hard Catholic Identity.


Sspx Chapels

Archbishop of Denver Samuel J. Aquila called for a conversions of hearts after the tragedy of Eric Talley, murdered by this muslim refugee. His Eminence said “We must work to promote deeper conversion of hearts so that our lives are characterized by the virtue of charity, which allows us to love God and our neighbor, strengthening the fabric of society and preventing senseless acts of violence such as this one.” When a traditional Catholic hears the term “conversion of hearts” it means what it has always meant. Once again Fisheaters explains in detail in their blog post Conversion of the Heart what “conversion of the heart” means.

“The point of all this is to say that walking the path of salvation is not a matter of just coming to an intellectual conclusion. In no way is the Holy Faith a mere philosophy! There are reasons for the Faith, of course, and one can find support for Catholic beliefs in everything from sociology to psychology to physics. And you can be certain that faith and reason will never contradict each other. There are certainly, too, times in which the Faith must be defended through debate and argument. But ultimately, having faith is a supernatural gift that must be lived in love in order for it to be a true faith, a pleasing and effective faith that is radically different from the demons’ mere “knowing.” In other words, true faith requires a conversion of the heart, which we term “metanoia.”

Several traditional Catholic parishes are raising funds for the large family of Eric Talley and his widow. Officer Talley’s wife appears to want to remain a private citizen, and we here at the CCS will continue to respect that. I have confirmed with certain trusted people close to his family that his widow would like anyone who wants to help financially to use the BPD’s PayPal donation link.

Sspx Vs Fssp

IMO some seem to be minimizing Officer Talley’s traditional Catholic faith. Eric Talley’s Solemn High Requiem Mass will be celebrated Monday 29MAR2021 in the Cathedral Basilica of Denver, in the presence of the Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila. This Solemn High Requiem Mass will be presided over by Father Daniel Nolan, FSSP, Celebrant, Father James Jackson, FSSP, Deacon, and Father Daniel Kluge, Subdeacon. If you want to honor the way this man lived, I would take time to attend his Requiem Mass. May our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mother ever Virgin have mercy on this Eric Talley’s soul and welcome him into Her eternal embrace. Requiescat in pace Eric Talley.

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