Sublime Merge

Sublime Merge integration for Visual Studio Code

Three-way Text Diff Resolve merge conflicts without leaving Sublime Text. Configure Sublimerge as your diff & merge tool and resolve conflicts easily right in your editor. Advanced merging capabilities will be your secret weapon. Resolve conflicts one-by-one by using advanced merge commands. Sublime Merge is built on the same custom platform as Sublime Text, providing unmatched responsiveness. With a powerful, cross-platform UI toolkit, an unmatched syntax highlighting engine, and a custom high-performance Git reading library, Sublime Merge sets the bar for performance. Sublime Text's internal Git support allows you to see the status of your files and even the changes to them, but when it comes to really working with Git you.

In this tutorial we're going to show you how to install Sublime Merge on Windows 10.Sublime Merge is the new Git Client, from the makers of Sublime Text.Down. With a zippy cross-platform GUI toolkit, an unmatched syntax highlighting engine, and a custom high-performance Git reading library, Sublime Merge sets the bar for performance.


This extension enables the following commands, available from thecommand palette when in a workspace with a Git repository:

  • Open repository in Sublime Merge: Opens the current workspace in Sublime Merge
  • Blame in Sublime Merge: Opens the Blame view in Sublime Merge
  • File history in Sublime Merge: Shows the history (log) of the current file in Sublime Merge
  • Line history in Sublime Merge: Shows the history of the selected line(s) in Sublime Merge
  • Show my commits in Sublime Merge: Show commits from the current Git user in Sublime Merge

Sublime Merge Vs Gitkraken

Note: Contextual menu items for the editor are also provided and their visibility can becustomised changing the extension settings (see 'Configuration').

Status Bar

The extension shows the number of unstaged / to be committed files in the status bar.Clicking on the status bar item will open Sublime Merge.
It's possible to also show the current branch namein the status bar item using the showBranchName setting.


Make sure that git and the smerge commands are available within your PATH.

Setting up the Sublime Merge command line tool



Sublime Merge setup (optional)

Sublime merge

The following example (by Rubén Robles) shows how it's possible to configure Sublime Merge to use Visual Studio Code as the default editor for opening files:

These can be manually added to the Sublime Merge Preferences.sublime-settings file.

Known Issues / TODO

  • The extension hasn't been tested on Windows yet
  • Tests are not present

This is my first VSCode extension, therefore any constructive feedback is very welcome.

Release Notes


See the Changelog

Sublime Merge License Key

Special Thanks

Sublime Merge

Sublime Merge Tutorial

I've been able to start working on this extension thanks to the personal development time kindly allowedby my current employer, Altmetric.